Made in China - Imago Mundi


Contemporary Chinese Artists
Imago Mundi - Luciano Benetton Collection

Texts by Luciano Benetton, Meg Maggio, Wang Chuan

Two hundred small canvases like two hundred windows – real, not virtual - wide open on the Chinese contemporary art scene. A reality in which themes, aesthetic codes, formal solutions and expressive techniques, even the materials used, express a world in ferment, capable of offering extraordinary insights and reflections on the acute tensions in the relationship between individuals and society.

An overview that brings together the works of established and emerging artists, of every background and age, not only from Beijing, the epicentre of the immense and explosive Chinese figurative scene, but from every region of this great country.

Made in China is an Imago Mundi collection, a cultural, democratic, global, non-profit project, promoted by Luciano Benetton with the aim of creating the widest possible mapping of the different contemporary artistic experiences of our world. Each country is represented by the works of established and emerging artists, commissioned with the maximum freedom of expression, whose only constraint is the 10 x 12 cm format. is the web platform of the entire project

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