Tibet: Made by Tibetans - Imago Mundi
Contemporary Artists from Tibet
Imago Mundi - Luciano Benetton Collection
Texts by Luciano Benetton, Paola Vanzo, Leigh Miller
The only collection of its kind in the world, unprecedented for the extraordinary quality and quantity of the artworks collected. A vibrant and dynamic portrait of Tibet, its spirituality, philosophy, tradition and culture through the paintings of 143 artists, emerging artists and established masters, citizens of the "Roof of the World" or living far from its mountainous, challenging routes. A collection that testifies to a new fusion of innovation and artistic tradition - pop icons and comics alongside traditional Buddhist iconography - and brings to the world nature and poetry, the souls of many lives, beauty, commitment and, above all, freedom, vision, harmony and peace.
Tibet: Made by Tibetans. Contemporary Artists from Tibet is an Imago Mundi collection, a cultural, democratic, global, non-profit project, promoted by Luciano Benetton with the aim of creating the widest possible mapping of the different contemporary artistic experiences of our world. In Imago Mundi, each country is represented by the works of established artists and new talents, commissioned with the maximum freedom of expression, whose only constraint is the 10x12 cm format.
www.imagomundiart.com is the web platform of the entire project
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